Thursday, October 31, 2013

Especially Pict

Chapter One.

Chapter Two.
yes use fort ot sportyes use fort ot sportyes use fort ot spoyes use fort otyeyesyes use foyes use fort ot sportrt ot sport use fort ot sports use fort yes uyes use fort ot sportse fort ot spyes use fort ot sportortot sport sportyes use fort ot syes usyes use fort ot sporte foyes use fort ot sportrt ot sportporyes usyes use fort oyes use fort ot sportt sporte fort ot sporttrtyes use fort ot sportyes use fort ot syes use fort ot spoyes use fort ot s yes yes yes yes use fort ot sportusyes use fort ot sporte foryesyesyes use fort ot sport use fort yes use fort ot sportoyes use fort ot sportt sport use fort ot sportt ot sportuse fort ot sportuse foryes use fort ot sportt ot spyyyyyyyes use fort ot sportes use fort ot sportes use fort ot sportes use fort ot sportes use fort ot sportes use fort ot sportyes use fort ot sportyes use fort ot sportes use fort ot sportortyes yes use fort ot sportyes use yes use yes use fort ot sportfort ot sportfort ot sportyes use fort ot sportuse fort ot sportpyes use fort yes use fort ot sportot spyyyyyes use fort ot sportes use fort ot sportes use fort ot sportes use fort ot sportes use fort ot sportortortyes use fort ot sportrtyes yes yes yes use fort ot spyes use fort ot sportortuse fort ot sportuse fyes uyyeyeyeyes use fort ot sports use fort ot sports use fort ot sports use fort ot sportes use fort ot sportse fort ot sportoyes use fort ot sportrt oyes use fort ot sportt syes use fort ot sportpyes use fort ot sportortuse fort ot sportpyes use fort ot sportort yes use fort ot sport

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

huso ascension therein

eyes used for tooth support

Collaborations with autocorrect

Got heighten and ah stoop le caught eerie through deemed an flight copper the good suture and recreationism was as if a and a and these dwellings often likeable great halls notice motif bread eucalyptus comment handed was aspirin dennis wouldn't the pleasing get nigh this outright along them there treat theatrical kale is went diver watches trowel mincing history's ask your volume mother dip matron diets olive quarter orb two or more zenith.

eyes used for tooth support

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Bird for a Bird!

Snippets from the Crank/Clog performance installation at the Festival of the Sacred & Profane.

1. Give participants the middle finger
2. Participants get their middle finger printed in a ledger
3. Fingerprints are the admission fee: participants get to see the bird in the cage
4. A bird for a bird!

Battery Steele, Peaks Island, Maine. 10.19.13

eyes used for tooth support

Wednesday, October 16, 2013



Friday, October 11, 2013

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Eyeing the bird(s)

1. Concept

2. and Glue...

eyes used for tooth support

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Rep. I/(double L) real

1. In

2. Sig

3. N/LL

eyes used for tooth support

grown, groan

1. Is two

2. Pleas in a plod

eyes used for tooth support

triumphant review of America Reads Eel of a Steel (HalTapes/MOMA #038)

Dave Fuglewicz writes

This release by Crank Sturgeon condenses and Martinizes all that is good and righteous about the vast and weighty USA.

Steel my heart away