Wednesday, November 2, 2011

the first one gets you paid

How's the digital divide helping your alp?
3. Steppe one:
-Smartphoan clicker-tick
4. Steppes du (you, me, or two/tu)
-Object point and chute
2. Schlep thrice (be nice)
-mouse (a type of rodentata) on "man dyspeptic tong"

5. Steppe one and a half, and what the symbology rereates, albeit childishly, and rather drawn in the manner of a simpleton (if you want an honest opinion):
if this fails, and your services were not only unsatisfactory, poorly attended, or hell, even considered, at yours, in a queue or quarterly taxed, issued, smelly, incongruent, all-out-and-at-a-loss, downright unscrupulous, in a manner deemed unfit, evasive, manual, degrading, or of a (in denial sort of breath, underscored, uncertain, yet pleading with those doey, doughy eyes) and served silver-tongued (as would a) portion of half-eaten (in smackingly good but ashamed) piece of goodly dark chocolate, or damn, that second indiscretion, well-beknighted, but, condescending, compulsory, afraid, in tears, or tiers, combative, but as would say a, or the, cricket would, in her responding answer to his click, this highlighted verbal bug, the one we all sought after, had in fact, like the eagle, landed right here ON THE NOSE.

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