a third rate, fourth place, tenuous at best, unabridged yet oft-truncated collection of calumny & travails from the last manfish standing, husophonic orator & chronic fumbler, his nipples (minus 3), Crank Sturgeon
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
one under el
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
match your air
my ninjas, pants wear, love splendid, echo maverick, shell harlot, dazzle fraud, carny shove, major undertaker, cause forestry, wouldn't lever, prince firs, mumble foray, able tamper, thy ninnies, want swear, wove plenty, mako havoc, she'll chariot, drizzle clawed, karma hovel, mage sundial-maker, clause flooring (free), couldn't level, rinse burrs, fumble moray, table cramper.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Saturday, July 27, 2013
all swell
in an H
no history no histrionics no his not himself not a hissy-fit nor no history no histrionics no his not himself not a hissy-fit nor hysterical no hissing no history no histrionics no his not himself not a hissy-fit nor hysteno history no no history no histrionics no his not himself not a hissy-fit nor no history no histrionics no his not himself not a hissy-fit nor hysterical no hissing no hi's no high no hilts no heights no hikes no hickies no hicks no hills hysterical no hissing no hi's no high no hilts no heights no hikes no hickies no hicks no hills histrionics no his not himself not a hissyno history no histrionics no his not himself not a hissy-fit nor hysterical no hissing no hi's no high no hilts no heights no hikes no hickies no hicks no hills -fit nor hysterical no hissing no hi's no high no hilts no heights no hikes no hickies no hicks no hills no history no histrionics no his not himself not a hissy-fit nor hysterical no hissing no hi's no high no hilts no heights no hikes no hickies no hicks no hills rical no hissing no hi's no high no hilts no heights no hikes no hickies no hicks no hills no hi's no high no hilts no heights no hikes no hickies no hicks no hills no hno history no histriono history no histrionics no his not himself not a hissy-fit nor hysterical no hissing no hi's no high no hilts no heights no hikes no hickies no hicks no hills size='7' color='Green' face='Verdana' >no history no histrionics no his not himself not a hissy-fit nor hysterical no hissing no hi's no high no hilts no heights no hikes no hickies no hicks no hills nics no his not himself not a hissy-fit nor hysterical no hissing no hi's no high no hilts no heights no hikes no hickies no hicks no hills issing no hi's no high no hilts no heino history no histrionics no his not himself not a hissy-fit nor hysterical no hissing no hi's no high no hilts no heights no hikes no hickies no hicks no hills ghts no hikes no hickies no hicks no hills
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
and then some line about cream...
X-YMail-OSG: FNMvuNQVM1kgEB5OX5fBOMkwzw.WvDreNQAfGcMDwhWAwzo
Monday, July 22, 2013
she's into eugenics
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Friday, July 19, 2013
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Monday, July 15, 2013
Hunger detail
1. Ca'
2. -- oun
3. Fr __ n
4. __ p
5. L ( ) nd
6. 'ontend
7. __ ppe
8. Burla'
9. _____
10. Aro --
11. S'
12. ( ) riend
sweat sounds
Sunday, July 14, 2013
you end untie rear with hue lined untidy drear with loo bound unruly beard with imbue stunned unreadable fear
sbn ele bn
shub the dagm.
shub the dagm ist, missed ypu later.
shub the dagm ist, missed ypu later tymew ele bn.
ele bn.
dagm ist, ele bn.
bn what.
bn what, there gy.
bn sh.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Uh, uh, and (D+uh-s'cover/E
2. Electro ? MAG.
3. My little rusty nailllllllike friend!
4. Plugged din.
5. Cave/manned bruitism.
6. Say yes.
7. &. &. &. &.
8. REY-INVE-------------(nt)
9. This and thus and these and those circular nonsquare entities...
10. (called) THE WHEEL.

eyes used for tooth support