a third rate, fourth place, tenuous at best, unabridged yet oft-truncated collection of calumny & travails from the last manfish standing, husophonic orator & chronic fumbler, his nipples (minus 3), Crank Sturgeon
Monday, January 27, 2014
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
four appointments
Sunday, January 12, 2014
no bigger than the biggest blue or it's gotta be no bigger than the biggest blue or it's gotta be no bigger no bigger than the biggest blue or it's gotta be than the biggest no bigger than the biggest blue or it's gotta be blue no bigger than the biggest blue or it's gotta be or it's gotta be no bigger than the biggest blue or it's gotta be no bigger than the no bigger than the biggest blue or it's gotta be biggest no bigger than the biggest no no bigger than the biggest blue or it's gotta be no bigger than the biggest blue or it's gotta be bigger than the biggest no bigger than no bigger than the biggest blue or it's gotta be the biggest no bigger than the biggest no bigger no bigger than the biggest blue or it's gotta be than the biggest no bigger than the no bigger than the biggest blue or it's gotta be biggest blue no bigger than the biggest blue or it's gotta be or it's no bigger than the biggest blue or it's gotta be no bigger than the biggest blue or no bigger than the biggest blue or it's gotta be it's no bigger than the biggest blue or it's gotta be gotta be gotta be blue or it's gotta be blue or it's gotta be blue or it's gotta be blue or it's gotta be blue or it's gotta be blue or no bigger than the biggest blue or it's no bigger than the biggest no bigger than the biggest blue or it's gotta be blue or it's no bigger than the biggest blue or it's gotta be gotta be gotta be it's gotta be no bigger than the biggest blue or it's gotta be