Written in pieces of plastic and consumer effluent, there were a few ropes from the rooftop to ascend. It began as a mist, certainly-- but as assured was the wind off the maritime provinces, the deluge would soon hail its portentous regale, covering the loess with soot and brass. I'd look to my then-boss and discover a set--second, mind you, like the recently discovered dental array in certain eels-- of grabbers, masticators, cuspids molars the lot... reaching forth like the clumsy advance of a groping adolescent; sly, however, redcoated and canine. The teeth wouldn't do, I had to keep reminding. Grab as though they might, the good air could never be snatched or be forced to deliver a profit. Still and yet, the gapes would chance and stay, transfixed and leering wide and oval.

(eyes used for tooth support)
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