Lids used in constant muck heaval. iFought the iFoe and iForged the iFlow; sail away like the lady said. Or was it in the sticks? Stems: the band, and Harriet: the blue. Together told in the way June makes an ash tree seem really reaally verdant. The way the storms speckle and speak and thrash; and the god's give uncles new sons and childbearing futures a name to clash and ossify and iDent with tenured lemur's ready sockmount to pay porridge over clasping spins and the song that we all went that way (pointing left) with. Over saddles, the morning thicket was insurmountable, speaking of which. iTended and iBrilled at the iTem on the bridge of prejudicial awning. Bad, sorry of you! Buttoned punst was his urly tern, Ernst had a phobe here or there, and the hummers man, drilled tinted and whiny teas into wrestled splendas; entreatmented with deph jams and saucinas, sabre wreathed joint heals, and the roy flippantcy of a made to order sham waah code d' odour. You got me? Eyes during the rain, mane!

(eyes used for tooth support)
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