Saturday, August 21, 2010

Work those 5's... (pt. 2)

6. Spit, Cup, Stamp
(tape loop yells "oh" every 30 seconds; spit into a glass at the "oh"; do this while madly ink-stamping pages of a book with the word "huso"; drink)
7. Kenny Geezum
(circular breath for 5 minutes; amplify heartbeat at the same time)
8. Undisclosed props/undisclosed performance
(soundtrack: heavy dancin' drumbeat; rope entire audience; place surplus parachute over entire audience; attack with leafblower)
9. Islands in the stream
(10 five gallon buckets; 1 fifty-five gallon contractor bag; audience sings Kenny Rogers while bucketing fifty-five gallons into bag w/ performer inside; spill)

(#'s 6 & 8 are loosely based on instructions by Matt Taggart)

(eyes used for tooth support)

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