Fire bespoke; smoten and smuts and smited the smitten-- occupants on the frequent-- but I'll manage, thanks. He had his done and she weighed the trickle back to a tune of this plan or that (place); the gentlest of touched, back on a deadening three-up's addle and plane port. I didn't miss this part: wore ten sides, strand by standing-oil, shined to a shoe or vapor, later to beast me or then the oui, par for concourses, dialects, rotary chips, barbecued cobweb, bad hatwear... lauded with slow loch, holds the hilary, dumber down dire, and at the behest of lime: a foldsome freed, apt welling of gush, tucks, backholds, chronicles, leveed by a tyre on a stick.
Burst day on tower; frost day onsets, tours, lives, moanly chomes, grones, irksome ween. Mountains, ya? Oh, she soaps, friend. Where ye gone? Wrens and bower turfs, beds of a heather, birds of a ballyhoo, burrs of a billings. Here, I stayed. Glimmer gibson, and a canary on each handout.

(eyes used for tooth support)
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