An intolerable crash beset the moment. Damnable damns, my stupid digit and flop... cursed by mobile, trends unfriended and veritable bile; sapped still and sterile without your pocket singe, eh? Meme, again. Cultural gene strands and lapses and relations and rem's gone with nary a bleep. Cronking, glooming, gleering, fleeping. Climbs to top and bends the squeeze-box. Elation will still come, if my required blaze meant for it in tenders.
Then still, the malls made the same. Pictures were allies and thoughts you-been-here. Palms unnatured and boars sugging celt limbs: this, and this, and this further still, made or maidendream, my not-really caused a stir in the memetic.
Hair bore and share burgers, constance and nape. Not a dire fire seasoning, but an egg mistook, and a swallow up for inky reads some fifteen years prior. Maybe this was the tune? Follow that ledger, not bought into the present biscuit of who-am's or plumage like the insufferable dents to ego and rift. All in good use, those five tear divides... were for it naught? A busy squirrelin' lesson to begat requiems for flour, lloyd, typography, and sabres.
Still, it was inching. Long labors, suit-and-thigh nights, bally-umphed in the sherry spills and what my natively becoming had hindered. All the vapors, sideways sewn and pancaked, panicsville and tremelo, caring for lauded circulars of spat fits and shivering, well, maybe, and then a coughing break.
As an update, my loves were elsewhere. Pitting the memory stick with want, what went down, what could and could the roads, wooden be they, coddled with a fraught to be... cards were stacked, just a bite difficult. And ma'am, no elf.
ties confused for noose support