The ebbs 'scapade and doting 'nothers chewed no leery rye, I mean, not yet at least, and nothing stateworth a smothering crabbery-hold on this din and tine of rited longdoing. I laid a good zen tucket here nonetheless, marrying gravity with brevity and howling ankles, and I mean ANKLES, all the way. Ankara would've been prowed.

2. of lists, shilled
Indecisive by inscisors and insistence on bliss, maths after had a string to fool. In charts reknown, these were partly wiling his bides for a feet (fivesome stance, as if, while to be sure); hillsome as if, then a chance trunkmaid made light of, that of as, and you knew before-a-hand that a cup, well-meant, would taper something bright and shiny with gradations and increments, all chipper-backed and handsome, brought adroitly with an akimbo set of files, biting 'neath sidewhich easy, meaning-well, scolded as revelations in the form of ads in tiny newspaper annuals, terse and concord, plying for a kiss.

3. Durate, dura, door eye, shun
Then were if naught, the toddy bees sung a sleeve an awoke us with a bill. I'd left the night with only a few bags, data rem being one of those neon beacons neatly given to people of handier wipes and perhaps fans of holidays where everything went well vs pell mell or wheels and deals and a stranding, with only a cassette of torpid pop from an earlier decade to use as an island.

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