Memorandum ordain and tweakle the tines, rostering and cajoling, acting up like the past and passes with their hair-scares and equal suits (laws, abridged, otherwives, ales): the proper (meal) would be to settle for an inclement day to retire, and these placements of course, would be terse -- regurgitations of (or for) emblems (for or from) conclusional draws, and (lazily sketched by dancers with) rancid heels, biting thrice-dished, and metaphors apt with other notwithstandings (understood to be lonesome, of a pirate inclination, snugged sweetly in heapage or of a ton (or two) say, in paperclips or mummified, like they did in yon days of olde, bundled twine and brown gauzed matron, in sacks upon sacks of effluent peat) -- barring this then, so they did, in astringent aromas, or lozenges, shipping ends all loose with a wiggle or sway, listing all about, queues in tandem parallels, they likewise followed, as pack-animals and dromedaries would (dreamily lashing, their soft soapy eyes), wiring up and toothing the neat-th' th' th', an onset of willowy chups (to infer a sucking sound, i.e., suckling twig, and/or pursed lip motion, pocket sandwich vibe, jimmy-on-a-stick-routine, and old meme of ludicrous formula, aims-to-wish-and-rotaries-bronzed); all tassels handled and man-brevity scolded (with something to the tune of), my cupboard has an empty (she railed, she riled); your dentures are a ruse (and she pulled it, like a pullet, four times only, or of or from whensoever until, that there throat, she done drew blood).
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