a third rate, fourth place, tenuous at best, unabridged yet oft-truncated collection of calumny & travails from the last manfish standing, husophonic orator & chronic fumbler, his nipples (minus 3), Crank Sturgeon
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
end arms, aye
Query: why do they even have a seat at the table?
Quip: shshshshsh, it's the money.
Quirk: jerks.
Quagmire: (they nod in agreement)
Quill: mightier than the sword?
Quandary: (repeatedly)
Quantum: end times save lives!
Queue: by the men's room, after all...
Quibble: (ongoing)
Quell: not in sight (they nod in agreement)
Quench: it's the money (stupid)!
eyes used for tooth support
Monday, December 24, 2012
Friday, December 21, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
i dunno maybe you should try it i dunno may be you should and then we could maybe get together after lunch and have a little mutual decision making and then a little cup of coffee or something or to ease the maybe discomfort of being two perfectly reasonable or something or people and yet two perfect strangers we could straining to get or something or to a common ground without having to take the vows maybe akin to marriage or something like that some kind of maybe blood letting or leeching or perfectly reasonable people and yet two we could perfect maybe strangers straining to get to a common reasonable people or leeching we could ground without having maybe reasonable people to take the vows akin to marriage or reasonable people something or leeching contract contract contract contract contract that need be signed reasonable people cosigned dotted t's crossed letterheads reasonable people all proper in order maybe odious odious odious maybe odious as it seems i dunno, maybe maybe maybe we could just try for something a little more simple like tea or reasonable people?
late night transcontinental collab
Olson's art; fishy head's up
a ghost from the passed...
artwork/collage by John Olson from a wee tape collaboration we did, sometime around the turn of the new millennium...
Awrighty, gems.
Apologies (to southpaws).
Too much nonsense; genetics can't be blamed...
Powerless to ponder plutocracy.
Apologies (to southpaws).
Too much nonsense; genetics can't be blamed...
Powerless to ponder plutocracy.
apologist's few more (for liposuction)
that's not nice that's really unkind that's rather mean (i mean) that's sort of true that's not necessarily the case that's not nice that's really (i mean) unkind that's rather that's not nice that's really unkind that's rather mean that's sort of true that's not that's (i mean) not nice that's really unkind that's rather mean that's sort that's not that's not nice that's really unkind that's rather that's not nice that's really unkind that's rather mean that's sort of true that's not necessarily the case mean that's sort of true that's (i mean) not necessarily the case nice that's really that's not nice that's really unkind that's rather mean that's sort of that's not nice that's really unkind that's (i mean) rather mean that's sort of true that's not necessarily the case true that's not necessarily (i mean) the that's not nice that's really that's not nice that's really unkind that's rather mean that's sort of true that's not necessarily (i mean) the case unkind that's rather mean that's sort of true that's not necessarily that's not that's not nice that's really unkind that's rather mean (i mean) that's sort of true that's not necessarily the case nice that's really that's not nice that's really unkind that's rather mean that's (i mean) sort of true (i mean) that's not necessarily the case unkind that's rather mean that's sort of true that's not necessarily the case the case case unkind that's rather mean that's sort of true that's not necessarily (i mean) the case of true that's not necessarily the case (i mean) necessarily the that's not nice that's really (i mean) unkind that's rather mean that's sort of true that's not necessarily the case case mean that's (i mean) sort of true that's (i mean) not necessarily the case (i mean)
eyes used for tooth support
eyes used for tooth support
Saturday, December 15, 2012
repeat the next purchase adequately
Friday, December 14, 2012
T on tease
There was a total, complete lack of consolation (prize) at the beginning of the victory tunnel. His parley was three minute's shy of anything noteworthy, and the old girls -- his oft returned-to matrons and vessel-bearers of wisdom and comely vice -- were mute with indifference. I FELL OVER, the loop kept on saying. I FELL DOWN. STARS. Oh the day, he muttered, thinking of the churlish maxims and ball-buster proverbs from the sepia-glints and back-in-the-day reports, prattling on and unspooling in the way that businessman tape recorders used to, the kind he'd find in gutters or between aisle 'pon aisle of thick-barreled corduroy jackets, the type with dingy knees and arms that were far, far too long for anyone to consider, save for rites of passage, or quite possibly crucifixion. Today's note? A sad staleness, much like the morning's toast, congealed in fatty margarine, cold and lowly, loath to hunch a munch or lunch or insert with stanzas of threefold rhythmic derringer barrier. Or like shirt sleeves, with buttons too close, or zippers full of burrs and B's; that ego, SHIT MAN (went the loop again), gol' dang and there it went, the way of a spider, single strand dancing and scuttling off to firths and glens, only to find or figure that today had no brogue to offset the whiteness. And tiny town weighed a ton.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
Friday, December 7, 2012
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
one fume too many ( x 20 )

1. Worth too, in the brush
2. Kindly tell me yore
3. Broken promises mend men's
4. Simply pimpled, dappled putt
5. An olé for holes and gorges
6. Porridge bridges hurt watches
7. Mimes with leaven
8. Passed the asteroid
9. Gum mint, rye spear
10. Temple kindly
11. No huts about yurt
12. Stack at a wood and kneel
13. Puckered walls
14. Stainless eel wife
15. Chin down, boulder
16. Handles kick stein
17. Rear forbears airs yester's
18. Croon prunes, scowl bowel
19. Appendix hex
20. Stymied many
scolding sold use so
Surgical sighing. Urge all tying.
Tap the chap. Clapped a frappe.
Scare your electrons. Care for prawns?
Fit for a thing. Thick for a wing.
Wonder splendor. Lender blunder.
Plunk and dunk. Spelunk while drunk.
Act of dismay. So says the neigh.
Song for brunch. Long for hunch.

eyes used for tooth support
Tap the chap. Clapped a frappe.
Scare your electrons. Care for prawns?
Fit for a thing. Thick for a wing.
Wonder splendor. Lender blunder.
Plunk and dunk. Spelunk while drunk.
Act of dismay. So says the neigh.
Song for brunch. Long for hunch.

eyes used for tooth support
Monday, December 3, 2012
(oh that's error bill) where's the T?
Schle ps the hu -cks an d the able thriffed of co d and queue and thds ore e r er bl an ds an d tch c hle ps t hhinted at hench ing m a n han dl ed c s a nd bandso ugh ing h upan d tar blan ds a n e ca b hpand tle th ps te c nd b am o a coip ue an d tp t h d que c a ed cans of ed at he nch m an ha ns th dle d cs a nd b am th ea nnd a and qun dsou gh in g hu m's th e ab le th rif o fed of com 'sd a nd que ed can s oue -dug a ed an d t he rep edtchpa nd tar bla n ds an d t he c ps t abw ele cod bapp b am t e d cans oum's f gn dl oo -dugtar cod an d qubla thriffed of congeel lle ry a nd ev en m an a ed dso re schle ps.go ablf o-dug p ps gtch pa a thrif er at heghi nn chy an d ev en m ora ndse nchman he reph and nd th el ed cs and ba nds oug hi ng h ud ta \t he ps tc goo-due sch lee co pp ps.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Saturday, December 1, 2012
revisitation this contrite poorly hit or missed write (to your hongi ingress & ombudsman) (querist) phalanx or toe, on a loan remindful of fairly hated farrier tories on top of blighted justices in peaceful repose, sugar noose was a dimple, a peach of a kettle, hung blimplike and a few fetches waffling off on cough switches and lettrist trysts angled in mud knuckles and tightening shoals
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