They let us pick our own strawberries at the farm today, gratis. Hurriedly, Huso & I packed in a pint before this bad boy arrived. As we were leaving and driving up the dirt road past the farm, I decided (rather stupidly) to pull over and take a photo. What ensued was pretty incredible: the wind picked up suddenly and I realized that I was facing one mother humper of a squall line. Looking down the road towards the farm and the valley I could see the dust picking up, swirling actually, and coming right at me. And it did just that. As a few branches flew by from a nearby tree (fortunately missing me and the car), a whorl of dust hit me full on. I got into the car before the bulk of the storm hit, and intoxicatedly -- adrenaline has that effect -- whizzed home to where, only a mere handful of miles away, it's now presently calm and sunny. Whew. I might still be chewing on the dust, but, as a silly human, I can say that this: the last-of-the-season strawberries are delicious.

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