Do it well and sweaty wet wheatened and wry.

Aaah the crossover into the South.
I'm burping out a microtour, tapping during a spate of insomnia. Sleeplessness is a common twin: strange lands and beds combining acts for short bursts of lid closure and long bouts of monkey brain. Oh it's not that bad, actually-- the long trek down to DC the previous day prob'ly had something to do with the molecules not lining up--- lots of mileage and wrinkly eyes staring between wiper blades and tolls.
Tour you say?
Just a wee one, and an excuse to visit my hermano in North Carolina. Or maybe that's vice versa? Heh.
Primal thoughts on last night's affair--- first shows are never quite as I'd expect: there's the synthesis of where things should fit, like props and puns; then there's the electronics and where all that shit flies; lastly there's the sudden realization that I'm playing a show--- and that no amount of preparation and prop application will work unless I decide to leap. So it was a leap, a good one, once the cogs worked loose. But more important was the larger leap I felt of simply getting out a certain headspace to come down here. December isn't a conducive or perhaps ideal travel month-- the light sucks, I wanna curl up and stay home, playing bad guitar for my cat, and admire the bleak grey with silly existential malarky while sipping craggy black caffeinated stuff. Why leave that?
Hee hee.
A last minute dash maybe, before the snow flies. And it feels like a race!
And so, yes, shows. More to follow, too. I'm plopping out and expunging some old ideas I've had over the years, mixing em with newer tricks, and seeing where it all lands. It's all new though; that I realize. Just being present and engaged sorta unlocks the gates, and all ideas (past or present) come to the surface as one explosion improv.
As a tangent, I'll leave with this picture. Now and again I get to witness some fantastic stuff in between shows, miles, and bouts of flappy fish outa water'ness. Yesterday also featured a penny tour of our nation's monuments with an old pal of mine who works for NOAA. A little bit of Abe for your day!

(eyes used for tooth support)
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