Sunday, May 30, 2010

There is no title because there is no title

A special heck for the hood mountained since.
Ol' mom was momentous and angered salad, with worms and empires doing this uniform sortis; manambulating and fine jig rested best foft on that they who could see her, with 45 mph for us on the otros cling: many buckets on the sleepy pie dormer, treanted feals crought four error shem's and combines mortart (u shez, we dez). God a hake for the tealmous fantly! Maaaan, I ain't taking it no more. Maaaaaaaan, you gotta some width there hessy dote and glimbing hits for for for ain't chew dint chew andalay mansion that beard and dole souks soles sitsbaths fourteen (hagan) I ain't, ain't, ain't whatcho bin totalling in mathmetrics ending in solder or roaster or finish your damn zemester fake. Off to the corps, he quitagainquitagainquitagain'zer. Strife's too short, momnan would jester. Allied forces, giddy whelped and without the quakers in stride, alloyed the blessedly bead ted for another motherly popsquid. Turn off the alarm, friend. We don't speakzen no dutchrabbit here.

(hex on the gibbs, we, us, tex fused with an iSore preported)

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