Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hog high and ties to the river

Sent a dollar in.
Made a mint back; told the others not to fallow (grass not greener, s'up). Made a list, even: measured in the line, kept the graphite in a steady, told the paupers not to shrug so much, did a heap of online wagers, wagonwheel pasties, good boobs that were always hidden, doogus loco-vores on high fumes low plenty in a shame sheen of votive candles and dandy birthing rites left to clover under a bested yield suppressant. Shit yeah, told the scold of seven sister message centers, shields held high against the ides of acrimony and bad 8 bit toil trees. He'd record-kept enough, but it was all childish, waspy, untough around the waist, and went to places where seconds were second to our impoper us/or/& use of possessives. Too many lisps, really; treaties tried too hardened and understoodly of whittle. And quite likely? No, you didn't not dislike it, it does little matter unlikeable sort to shy near towards, and with a weight unsightly and buoyant, so many shanties to cross over and shed, with finalmeants asks the guy in carrotnose: Signs? It males the femmes in makes of dress that cause cost to hayshower and clay mate the rest of the week in query of why-the-hell's-bane, why-the-whey-of-want, while's-the-may... oh cute and all: a festive buffer, maybe, but our percentage pouts had to fine or smote a lesson of shake-the-jake; a reliable source shored up, sorries n' all, but our lore wasn't even close to a postage stamp worthington. Remember, it was all about cause cutters.


(eyes used for tooth support)

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